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Panthers for ROAM Penrith 2022
3D printed Panthers, paint

Western Sydney Murals
Shannon Boyd
Sam Absurd
Danial Kelly

Original Panther designed by Leander Lindheimer.

3D printed by Empire 3D.

Commissioned by Penrith City Council.

Four life-sized Panthers were commissioned by Penrith City Council for ROAM Penrith festival held in the Penrith CBD over the weekend of 26 and 27 November 2022.

The Panthers were 3D printed in our studio, assembled on their plinths and picked up by four different local street artists to paint their creative skins on.

They were scattered across the festival site, along with six other Panthers of different mediums, to form part of a fun and interactive children's Panther hunt.

The Panthers are currently prowling the foyer of the Penrith Council Chambers.

Panther painted by Danial Kelly.
Panther painted by Sam Absurd
Panther painted by Western Sydney Murals
Panther painted by Shannon Boyd
Panthers as a blank canvas
Blank canvas 3D printed Panthers
3D printed Panthers prowling Penrith Council Chambers foyer
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